Apply to the College of Humanities and Sciences

How to Apply to CHS 

The Faculty of Science (FoS) together with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) has jointly established the new NUS College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS), which will offer an enhanced undergraduate experience for students of both faculties. With its formation, students will be admitted to the College instead of directly being admitted to FoS or FASS. CHS will accept its inaugural cohort of students in AY2021.

Click here to find out how to apply to the NUS CHS.

Aptitude-Based Admission 

The University has an Aptitude-based Admission (ABA) scheme to consider applicants for admission into their chosen degree programmes via a holistic assessment approach. This means that besides academic grades, applicants may be admitted on other bases, such as demonstrated aptitude and interest, leadership, community service and exceptional talent, subject to a minimum level of academic competence.

The following are some examples of exceptional achievements that the University may take into consideration:

  • Medal winner at the International Olympiads (Biology, Chemistry, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics)

  • Represented Singapore in Arts and/or Sports competitions

  • Active participation in community service and voluntary programmes

  • Key leadership positions in community organisations, sports and athletic clubs etc. outside the school environment

If you wish to be considered for admission to CHS under this scheme, you will need to provide details under the ‘Achievements’ section of the NUS online application form, and follow up by sending the relevant supporting documents to NUS’ Office of Admissions (OAM). Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend an assessment conducted by the relevant faculty. For more information on ABA, please refer to the OAM website here.

Course Fees, Scholarships & Financial Aid Schemes

For information on the financial aspects of an undergraduate course, please click here