
Industry Sharing Series (ISS)

The Industry Sharing Series is a platform for thought leaders from industries to provide insights into trends, challenges and opportunities in their respective fields. These sessions also provide valuable opportunities for students and organisations to engage in conversations of mutual interesting topics. The ISS is open to all students and staff from NUS. Some sessions are open to the public.

Recruitment Talks and Career Fairs

Recruitment talks and career fairs provide employers a platform to interact, and discover talent amongst NUS Science students and alumni, who can be prospective employees in the future. Our programmes support employers’ recruitment objectives of finding the best qualified candidate for the position. With greater competition for talent, attracting the best person for the job requires a timely and streamlined recruitment process.

We can also organise ad hoc sessions and career events such as our flagship Science Industry Day, depending on the strategic intent and opportunities.

IoT Datathon

The Internet of Things (IoT) Datathon is an interdisciplinary hackathon–style competition where students are mentored by industry experts to develop innovative ideas and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled applications to solve real-life industry problems. Students and problem set owners will work in teams to create innovative prototype solutions and business plans to take their ideas forward.

For more information on IoT Datathon please visit