Building modular hardware for quantum computers

October 27, 2021

Asst Prof Yvonne GAO
Department of Physics
Principal Investigator, Centre for Quantum Technologies
Presidential Young Professor

Asst Prof Yvonne GAO has always been interested in physics, and it was something she found a lot of enjoyment in. She works on developing crucial hardware building blocks for quantum computers.

By tapping on the physics of superconducting electrical circuits at extreme temperatures, she seeks to develop quantum computing technologies to tackle the world’s most complex problems. Her work contributes to the toolsets that can eventually realise universal quantum computing on error-corrected qubits. This is crucial to the success of quantum computers.

Quantum computers offer a powerful new paradigm of information processing that harnesses the unique features of quantum mechanics, with potential transformational impacts on many industries. 

Asst Prof Gao was awarded a National Research Foundation Fellowship in year 2020 to establish a new research initiative to build modular quantum devices with superconducting circuits.  

We would also like to congratulate Asst Prof Gao on being nominated to the SG100 Women in Tech (2021)!

Video credit: Asian Scientist