Industrial Seminar Series (ISS): SeaMoney and GenScript

August 31, 2022

After a hiatus of a year, the Faculty of Science Industrial Seminar Series (ISS) is back to the in-person format starting from this Academic Year 2022/2023.

With a total of five seminars planned, covering the pharmaceutical, fast-moving consumer goods, financial technology (fintech), quantitative trading, and the hospitality industries, the roster of this semester’s ISS is designed to appeal to a wide variety of our majors.

The first seminar held on 17 August 2022 featured SeaMoney, a leading digital payment and financial services provider in Southeast Asia. It is also part of Sea Limited, which boasts brands such as Garena and Shopee. As a preeminent example of the industry, the business teams from SeaMoney, represented by our alumnus, Louis LIM (Class of 2019), and NUS Business School alumna, Megha SUNDRANI (Class of 2019), gave an overview of SeaMoney’s digital banking business and financing business. This was highly useful for the 70+ attendees, who hailed mainly from Data Science and Analytics and Quantitative Finance majors, to find out if their interests could be realised by pursuing a career at SeaMoney. The two alumni also shared their own personal growth stories from students to Fintech professionals, which was helpful for many of the Year 1 and 2 attendees who are beginning to chart their career paths.

Megha Sundrani (Class of 2019, NUS Business) introduces students to the digital banking business at SeaMoney

Megha Sundrani (Class of 2019, NUS Business) introduces students to the digital banking business at SeaMoney

Louis Lim (Class of 2019, Faculty of Science) presenting his data science project at SeaMoney’s Retail Finance unit

Louis Lim (Class of 2019, Faculty of Science) presenting his data science project at SeaMoney’s Retail Finance unit

The seminar concluded with an enthusiastic and helpful pitch from the SeaMoney campus recruitment team, who briefed the attendees on career opportunities and the in-demand skill sets for roles at SeaMoney.

The next seminar on 24 August 2022 by GenScript, a leading multi-national biotechnology company, had more than 10 team members presenting on career opportunities. Booths were also set up at the LT27 foyer to showcase career opportunities at the newly launched GenScript campus at Kallang, as well as the array of services and products that GenScript offers.

During the seminar, Dr Edward WONG and Dr Hui Foon TAN, who pivoted from being scientists to product managers, shared more about how GenScript is using biomedical research findings to develop products for autoimmune diseases and cancers. Specifically, Dr Wong elaborated on how CRISPR, a gene-editing technology, can be used as a tool for gene therapy by reprogramming our body’s own immune cells. Dr Tan touched on how GenScript is harvesting recombinant antibodies from mammalian cultured cell systems for precision medicine. Dr Yanfeng LI, head of GenScript Singapore Production Department, then concluded the seminar by urging the students to make a difference by pursuing a career at GenScript. 

There were also two lively in-seminar quizzes with prizes for 10 lucky student winners, and all attendees were presented with GenScript door gifts.

GenScript’s marketing team showcasing the products and services offered

GenScript’s marketing team showcasing the products and services offered

Dr Edward Wong presenting about GenScript’s company history

Dr Edward Wong presenting about GenScript’s company history