Becoming an entrepreneur: The relevance of multidisciplinary science

June 03, 2022
‘Advertising’ SPS in a video clip

‘Advertising’ SPS in a video clip

YEOW Xuek Qee, Year 2 Life Sciences, intends to venture into entrepreneurship beyond graduation.  Here, she shares how her experience as President of the Special Programme in Science (SPS) in 2021 added “tremendous value” to her studies, further sparking her interest in scientific innovation.

It is not far-fetched to say that SPS opened up her “vision to interdisciplinary science research”, ranging from computational analysis to cell engineering, geochemistry and astronomy.  

SPS modules bring together teams from different Science majors, and are largely application-based. Through this process, Xuek Qee polished her critical and creative thinking as well as collaborative work skills.  

For example, in module SP3175 – The Earth, Xuek Qee and her team-mates conducted fieldwork to study carbon dioxide concentration in Singapore. And in her Integrated Science Project module, they undertook a research project under the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine to investigate the role of a protein in neuronal development.

Hosting Mid-Autumn moon-gazing night

Hosting Mid-Autumn moon-gazing night

She also actively participated in competitions such as the International Nature Sciences Tournament (INST), where she gained exposure to real-world scientific applications and acquired skills which are useful for entrepreneurship, such as market sensing and pitching of ideas.

Engaging SPS seniors

Engaging SPS seniors

And while topics such as physics and geochemistry are not familiar to her, she managed to grasp the knowledge under the patient guidance of SPS lecturers and help from peers.

She says, “SPS offers vast learning opportunities, from classes and projects to our mentorship programme. For me, the key takeaways are the network of seniors and mentors who excel in their own fields, research and science communication skills, as well as lasting friendship.” 

Watch Xuek Qee’s sharing here.