Meet our Ambassador!

September 30, 2021

Q: Why did you decide to join OAM SA?

I decided to join OAM SA as I had personally gone through the process of NUS admission and I understand the frustrations that a prospective student could have. Therefore, I would like to share my experiences and student life with aspiring students, to aid them in making an informed decision. In addition, it serves as a perfect platform for me to meet fellow SAs from various backgrounds and faculties!

Q: What are your interests and passion, what inspired you to pursue them?

I am a Year 3 Life Sciences Undergraduate with an immense interest in Skin Biology. Outside of school, I enjoy practicing Chinese calligraphy and studying the histories behind the art because of my interest in Chinese culture. To me, calligraphy is not only a form of personal expression but also an embodiment of Chinese wisdom.

Q: When did you start and why did you choose to take up Chinese calligraphy?

I picked up Chinese calligraphy at the age of five when I was still living in Taiwan. Chinese calligraphy, like piano and violin, started as one of the many talent classes my parents signed me up for, but it is the only one that has stuck with me over the years. I always believe how we write is a reflection of our personalities and Chinese calligraphy has become one of my media of personal expression. It is a life-long hobby I can practise anytime and anywhere.

Q: Care to share poignant/memorable exhibitions that you have participated in?

Chinese calligraphy is a real conversation starter for me and that was how I came to know the owner of HVALA, a local Japanese Teahouse while I was serving National
Service. We were bonded over conversations about Chinese calligraphy and he was kind enough to exhibit some of my pieces at his stores! That was also where I was
introduced to other local Chinese calligraphy artists.

Q: Are you involved in any other special school projects/ programmes?

I am one of the Co-founders of AKME Cosmeceutical, a personal care company utilising botanical actives with scientifically proven efficacy. We are currently under the incubation of The Hangar by NUS Enterprise and an awardee of the Enterprise Singapore Startup SG Founder Grant.

Q: How do you feel that your time practicing calligraphy has helped you develop in your role as a Student Ambassador Leader (SAL) and conversely, how has OAM SA hone your calligraphy skills?

Chinese calligraphy is a foreign topic to most people. Through the process of sharing my journey and knowledge of Chinese calligraphy with other people, it also enables me to better share about my other experiences such as NUS admission and school life with prospective students. I have always considered myself more of an introvert. Having to constantly interact with prospective students or their parents, being a SA really gives me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone! It has certainly made me a more confident person when it comes to expressing my passion in painting Chinese calligraphy.


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