NUS Open Day 2019

March 20, 2019

NUS held its annual Open Day on 9 March, which saw the campus abuzz with activities as prospective students and their families learnt about NUS’ holistic education experience

The Faculty of Science was located at Stephen Riady Centre Level 3, which was transformed into a bustling Science Hub, where visitors could interact and engage with faculty members, alumni, staff and students present, to find out more about the flagship programmes offered by the Faculty, as well as the myriad of learning opportunities available, and exciting career options for Science graduates.

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Programme talks and Special Classes were run throughout the day – with the latter providing visitors the experience of attending a lecture at NUS Science.

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The Science Hub also showcased some of the Faculty’s cutting-edge research, seeing Science in action, and our vibrant student life.

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Visitors were drawn to a giant telescope at the booth set up by the Centre for Quantum Technologies and Department of Physics, and learnt more about how scientists control individual particles of light and matter.

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They also got to try interesting hands on experiments such as the dusting of fingerprints at the Forensic Science booth.

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The Science Busking booth, set up by the Faculty’s Special Programme in Science and Science Demonstration Laboratory, featured demonstrations and allowed visitors to try their hand at turning their mobile phones into miscroscope lenses, and decipher words on the dollar note that could not be seen with the naked eye. The science buskers also explained the science behind nature’s hydrophobic surfaces and how layers of water of different density could be created to simulate the layers of the ocean.

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It was a Scien-sational day and we look forward to seeing all our prospective students and their families at the Faculty soon!


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